Friday 16 January 2015

The Truth About the Agunah Problem

A standout amongst the most broadly misconstrued issues in the Jewish group is the purported aguna issue. Few issues have been all the more altogether bended and confounded in the Jewish media, including both the Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jewish media. 

A famous confusion being spread by numerous Jewish women's activist gatherings is that an agunah (affixed lady) is "a lady whose spouse declines to concede her a Jewish separation upon solicitation." truth be told there is basically no premise in Jewish custom for such an idea, and the women's activists never cite a bona fide Torah source to substantiate this case.

Women's activist rabbis and associations have made the agunah term into a political football used to rally their misinformed supporters to a women's activist motivation in opposition to valid Judaism, and as opposed to the diversions of the Jewish gang. By and large the spouses of the charged agunot are better than average Jewish men under no halachic commitment to separate their wives, and they have flawlessly legitimate explanations behind questioning the demolition of their families by separation. In different cases the women's activists are advancing the reason for different ladies who have damaged halacha, for the most part by suing their spouses in common courts disregarding halacha. The women's activist gatherings have accordingly executed the Jewish adaptation of the "legislative issues of exploitation" by characterizing all ladies included in a separation circumstance as pure casualties of male shamefulness. The reason for the little quantities of genuine "agunos" (as per halacha) has been incredibly debilitated by the activities of the women's activists purportedly supporting them.
In your Sanctuary's view domestic abuse is defined as is any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse (psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional) between adults who are or have been intimate partners or family members. This can include forced marriage and so-called 'honour crimes'. Domestic abuse may include a range of abusive behaviours, all of which are not always inherently violent.

Domestic abuse is about power and control. It is a pattern of behaviour, which is not necessarily caused by anger. Domestic abuse is used to control others, and is not caused by a loss of control. There are five main types of domestic abuse, and it is often common for victims of domestic abuse to experience more than one.

The Bais Din where the GET was kept is NOT degenerate in any capacity as guaranteed by women's activists. In truth, this case is not about a claimed " agunah " or around a GET matter whatsoever. This case, in the same way as other fake " agunot " cases, is about  endeavoring to totally strip Jewish men of their halachic rights in Bais Din.

Mr. Meir Kin has saved a totally legitimate GET (Jewish separation record) in a Chareidi Bais Din. As expressed in the English Bais Din letter beneath, "he has accordingly evacuated for the benefit of his wife all religious boundaries inside his energy and control." 

In spite of the way that a fit GET was kept, aggressor women's activists joined with the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot ( ORA ), the Jewish Press, and different deceitful associations are barraging general society with false and tricky data that maligns and annoys Mr. Kinfolk utilizing the false falsification that Mr. Family's wife Lonna Kin is an "AGUNAH".

The Modern Orthodox, agunah-minded, and Jewish/religious/feminist blogospheres (a small and particular world, admittedly) were abuzz yesterday with the news that Tamar Epstein, whom I in the Times dubbed the country’s most famous agunah, or chained wife (that is, her husband has withheld from her a religious divorce) is now “free.” This news appeared on her Facebook page and in a press release e-mailed widely by activist group ORA, the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot.

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